Saturday, February 6, 2010

The front elevation changes on a daily basis. there will be 6 different wall finishes just on the front walls!!!!!
Face brick (as you can already see) sandstone on the wall to the right of the door (currently blueboard) coloured cement render around the front door, rusted steel around the corner window, vertical rough sawn vertical boards to the three windows of Mike's office - how many is that so far? And painted blueboard to the fascia, not to mention a painted front door

Slowly the exterior is being clad in polystrene. Some will be cement rendered, some will be clad over with vertical grooved cement sheet and some with, well I don't know, some other stuff that will look like rusted metal

View from the back looking at the lounge room wall. Sunshade over the north facing windows and on the left the west wall has been clad with cement coated polystrene (75 thick) which will have a rendered finish. The lower roof is nearing completion