Tuesday, July 6, 2010

View of the front entry area. The driveway has been poured along with the step pavers leading to the drawbridge over the pond - bring your waders when you come to visit. The "washboard" water feature (designed by Mike) has been placed in the pond. What is left to be done, the front door, the sandstone wall, the rusted steel panels, the dark monument paint to the soffit, the planting. the water feature water works and the fish - not much really and this is only the entry. The end is near and we should be close by the end of July and planning our move in early August - not long to go now..................


  1. Looking really, really good guys, looking forward to an invite to break in that back deck with Mum's old furniture.

  2. Oh, and shotgun naming a fish. By the looks there are about 72 ponds + fishtank, so should be plenty to go round...
