Thursday, August 19, 2010

The rear area is nearly completed. Glen (backhoe operator) was in last saturday and cleaned up the rear area and installed the mudstone and the area is now ready for planting. The zincalume miniorb (small ribbed corrugated sheeting) has been installed under the kitchen servery window and to the base of the BBQ (out of shot). Andy and Chris will be back next week to complete the screen to the BBQ. We are moving in this weekend and Mike's office will move next week - nearly done. Just a few weekends of gardening to do to complete and then maybe just maybe we can sit on the deck and count the kangeroos in the bad paddock - although I don't think Mike has too many kangeroos left running around in his top paddock if you know what I mean - we are both looking forward to our first weekend to enjoy the tranquilty - "ah yes and the serenity"

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