Thanks to many hands making light work - (or is that Manny Hans made the lights work judging by the photo) we moved into the house over the weekend. The above photo is taken from the property at the rear looking towards (from extreme left to right) the BBQ area, kitchen, meals and living area. If you double click on the photo you will be able to see Lee in the kitchen, and the TV on in the lounge. The fact that Mike's glass fronted beer fridge is full means that we are officially entrenched. Thanks to the Luke, Jess, Brenton, Kaitlen, Jai & Jan and Keith for helping with the move. Now all we have to do is declutter the garage and move Mike's office....................now there is yet another challenge. Thanks to those of you who have followed this blogsite and our progress from the turning of the first sod of dirt to this. Stay tuned as we continue to complete the house by doing furhter landscaping and take some photos of the furnished rooms.